Music euphoria

*Here are three great songs I listened to while writing this poem. You should check them out: Youngblood Hawke – We Come Running, Les Friction – World on Fire, Chelsea Wolfe – The Waves Have Come* image

I live for songs that lift the soul
With a chorus that eases the troubled mind
Lyrics that whisper “it’ll be all right”
A beat that reminds the failing heart not to give up

I live for songs that ignite the soul
Sending wild shivers down the spine
Blood surging through veins like the tide
The power of the melody like pure adrenaline

I live for songs that tear you apart
That latch onto a buried memory
And drag it to the dreaded surface
So that unstoppable tears spill down cheeks

I live for songs that make you feel something
Sadness or anguish or pure and unconditional love
A torrent of emotion causing eyelids to flutter shut
In unfathomable music euphoria

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