Echoes of you


I roam the city alone
Down the same streets we
Once strolled down together
Past cafés we drank coffee in
Together and bridges we crossed
Hands held together we were
No longer two separate beings
But a united force

I roam the city alone but
Begin to hear the steady beat
Of your footsteps matching mine
The scent of your cologne floats
Through the air and suddenly
Your laughter is ringing in my ears
Because everywhere I go there are
Echoes of you

Music euphoria

*Here are three great songs I listened to while writing this poem. You should check them out: Youngblood Hawke – We Come Running, Les Friction – World on Fire, Chelsea Wolfe – The Waves Have Come* image

I live for songs that lift the soul
With a chorus that eases the troubled mind
Lyrics that whisper “it’ll be all right”
A beat that reminds the failing heart not to give up

I live for songs that ignite the soul
Sending wild shivers down the spine
Blood surging through veins like the tide
The power of the melody like pure adrenaline

I live for songs that tear you apart
That latch onto a buried memory
And drag it to the dreaded surface
So that unstoppable tears spill down cheeks

I live for songs that make you feel something
Sadness or anguish or pure and unconditional love
A torrent of emotion causing eyelids to flutter shut
In unfathomable music euphoria

Curled up on the floor


Staring at the ceiling
Curled up on the floor
My eyes are damp
And my heart is drowning in pain
The yellow lamp looks down at me
My disgusting, yellow lamp
An unblinking eye in the darkness
Watching me
Judging me
Hating me
Like I hate it

But why should it hate me?
I am nothing but a child
Perhaps not even that
I am a newborn baby
Still kicking and screaming
I just do it on the inside
The tears exist though
Streaming down my face
Like a baby
The only difference is that my tears
Are stained black
Black with negativity
And hatred
And pain
Or maybe just mascara

Staring at the ceiling
Curled up on the floor
I have learnt something
Sometimes crying is good
It cleanses our eyes
Allows our bodies to break
Lets us shed the pain
If only for a moment
So that we can be reborn
Like babies into the world
I have learnt that
Sometimes crying is all we have
When words aren’t enough



You once told me to forget about you
And I laughed in your face
“How?” I said
How could I possibly forget
The feeling of your arms shielding me from danger
A seatbelt holding me tightly
When I crash
How could I forget
The way your smile stretches across your face
Illuminating everything and everyone
That surround you
How could I forget
The sound of your voice
Like a mug of hot lemon and honey
Sweet and soothing
With healing powers second to none
How could I forget
The smattering of freckles across your cheeks
Each a tiny kiss from the sun
A blessing on your perpetually flawless face
And how could I forget
The brush of your lips against mine
So gentle
So so gentle
The brushstrokes of a paintbrush
Creating a watercolour
Within my heart
Tears flood my eyes now
But I’m still laughing
Because I could never forget
The way you made me feel more alive than I ever thought possible