Echoes of you


I roam the city alone
Down the same streets we
Once strolled down together
Past cafés we drank coffee in
Together and bridges we crossed
Hands held together we were
No longer two separate beings
But a united force

I roam the city alone but
Begin to hear the steady beat
Of your footsteps matching mine
The scent of your cologne floats
Through the air and suddenly
Your laughter is ringing in my ears
Because everywhere I go there are
Echoes of you

The eye of the storm


Secret breezes of the night invite
my bedroom curtains to dance
and they accept
fluttering and swaying with every
gust that slips through the window
Leaning out into the world
the cool air of summer caresses
my skin but
no goosebumps form there
The blackened sky anxiously
showers the city with droplets
that touch my bare arms
but I am free from worry
For the moment my eyes scan
the streets of sleeping Earth
with a renewed sense
of wonder and peace
My once troubled mind
has reached the eye of the storm

A poetry pause

Dear followers and poetry friends,

I’m so sorry I haven’t posted anything in ages but unfortunately I’ve been busy revising for my AS exams. In all honesty, I haven’t done nearly as much revision as I should have at this point, considering my first one is on Monday (oops). Nevermind. I can’t change the past so may as well focus on the present.
Anyway, I probably won’t be updating my blog for a couple of weeks while my exams take place. However, once they’re over, I’ll have all summer to write to my heart’s content!
I do actually have several rough drafts of poems saved, so I might post the odd one if I have time.
I hope you can bear with me in the meantime. Sending love and happy poetry vibes to you all.

Rebecca ♡

P.S. How cute are these biscuits I made for my friends?! Okay so I know they look like a 5 year old made them but the sentiment was appreciated.


Music euphoria

*Here are three great songs I listened to while writing this poem. You should check them out: Youngblood Hawke – We Come Running, Les Friction – World on Fire, Chelsea Wolfe – The Waves Have Come* image

I live for songs that lift the soul
With a chorus that eases the troubled mind
Lyrics that whisper “it’ll be all right”
A beat that reminds the failing heart not to give up

I live for songs that ignite the soul
Sending wild shivers down the spine
Blood surging through veins like the tide
The power of the melody like pure adrenaline

I live for songs that tear you apart
That latch onto a buried memory
And drag it to the dreaded surface
So that unstoppable tears spill down cheeks

I live for songs that make you feel something
Sadness or anguish or pure and unconditional love
A torrent of emotion causing eyelids to flutter shut
In unfathomable music euphoria

The best kind of art


Wisps of white stretch
across the heavens
Splashed on by a child
grasping a paintbrush
A picture of perfection
only deemed to be flawed by
the dullest of eyes
A combination of colours
and nostalgic innocence
A demonstration of lost passion
and forgotten ferocity
The best kind of art

When the storm comes


When the storm comes
the world turns
silent but
Everything is tested
on strength and
Including love
All other issues
become irrelevant
So when the clouds
begin to pass
and the sun peeks
out through the darkness
All that truly matters
is whether our love
has triumphed or
like a bone
beyond repair
because not even
the one branch
that looks strong enough
to survive
is safe
when the storm comes

Floral fever


Radiant flowers shimmy
in the balmy spring air
Everywhere I look colours
are rich and exuberant
A feast for the eyes
and a cornucopia for
the ravenous imagination
Inexplicable shades of
xanthous and azure
that would surely clash
anywhere else
complement each other
perfectly and
beyond description
in this glorious garden
Once again
I am astounded
by nature’s ability
to create beauty
rarely discovered beyond
the dreams of an artist

Reflecting on reflections


is it that
are entirely
They surround us
every single day
We hang mirrors in
our homes in order to
criticise our bodies and
improve upon our looks
There is no pair of eyes
that judges our appearance
more harshly than our own
But we must remember
to keep on smiling and
hold our heads high
We must forget the
curious existence
of our reflections
once every now
and again
and never
let them

Evening enthrallment


Late but light evenings
when the wild trees dance
and sway with the breeze
Hot chocolate kisses and
marshmallow hugs in the half light
Watching the sun sink
below the horizon
The flaming orange of day
dulling into darkness
Goosebumps form on the skin
caused by the chill in the air
and the energising thrill
of night time reflections
Wondering what new adventures
tomorrow could possibly bring